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Lilith in Cancer in the BirthChart

Check out Astrolink and understand what Lilith in Cancer represents in your birth chart, how it influences your life and use it to your advantage.

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It encourages the native to reflect on family concepts. Bringing people together for meals, with exciting conversations where you can show your passion and knowledge for the subjects you understand, can appeal strongly. It can also be indicative of increased jealousy. In the intimate part of relationships, voyeurism, striptease, stoking and watching can have a certain appeal.


On family issues, you eventually tend to misunderstand events and situations (not admit when you are wrong) due to a greater chance of misperception of the circumstances involved in the family dialogues. Ask yourself how to eliminate the burdens of the past or childhood and what kind of family relationship would motivate you to the fullest.

The sky now...

segunda-feira abril 29, 2024 | 15:38