The Suit of Wands in Tarot
The Spirit. Represents the Element FIRE

I Ace of Wands

II Two of Wands

III Three of Wands

IV Four of Wands

V Five of Wands

VI Six of Wands

VII Seven of Wands

VIII Eight of Wands

IX Nine of Wands

X Ten of Wands

XI Page of Wands

XII Knight of Wands

XIII Queen of Wands

XIV King of Wands
About the suit of Wands in Tarot
The Suit of Wands cards in the Tarot are associated with the energy of life, spirituality, inspiration, determination, strength, work, action and our personal drive for achievement, i.e. what we have to do in order to achieve what we want.
In the Middle Ages, it represented the commoners and peasants in general, because it was from them that the work force came. It is related to the element of Fire and all its symbolism of action, energy, dynamism and enthusiasm, as well as intuition, creativity, ambition and expansion, originality and the seeds from which things spring. The Wands cards deal with the spiritual level of consciousness and reflect what is important to us inside. They talk about our motivations and how we behave: our personalities, egos, concepts and personal energy - both internal and externalized.
The main positive aspects of the suit of wands in an interpretation are vigor, self-confidence and identity. The negative aspects are selfishness, recklessness, self-indulgence and exaggeration. This suit is also indicative of what we do during the day to keep ourselves busy, whether at work, at home or on the street.
In a consultation, the cards can help us understand what actions we should take and indicate what actions other people are taking. In this way, we can see how things are going or what obstacles are in our way.
The suit of Wands always indicates dynamism in some matter. When a card of this suit comes up in a consultation, it indicates that some effort is required on our part in relation to the issue, and it can also indicate that other people's work may have a direct influence on us.
The Wands cards never represent something static or stagnant, unless this is caused by an opposition of forces and creates a limiting resistance. They indicate that we must fight and act to achieve what we want, because their energies suggest activity, ambition, enthusiasm and can show the way we react in certain situations.